Tag Archives: give



I love to give!  Now, there are those in my world who would say that I sometimes do so to a fault.  And, there may be some truth in that.  I just see it to be a great blessing to give when I can and when I cannot, I share information that gets to people worldwide in hopes that they may be able to help even if that means sharing information, as well.  I have one of the most incredible friends in the whole world.  She is a good person, and she only wants to do what is so very good for others.  She volunteers her time and gives financially when possible.  She involves herself in ministry whenever and wherever she can.  Again, she’s just a good person.  One of the things I love most about her is her humble nature.  My friend gives all the glory to God for all things.  I don’t know that I have ever known her to accept any type of kudos without first and foremost thanking God.  That’s just who she is.  I’d like to be her when I grow up.

Now, this blog post will not be as long as some I have posted previously.  But, it’s one of the most important posts I have ever written.  Today/tonight as you read this, please know that you have the ability to change lives if “only” by sharing this information with everyone you know.  I ask that you follow both links below to get an idea of how you can help further if you wish.  My very dear friend is involved in both things listed below.  Thank you for reading and please share in the giving.  Thank you and God bless.

Sleep Out:  Mother’s Edition

Home for Sam:  Make It Rain

May what you give come back to you in abundant blessings.  ❤

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Posted by on April 2, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Up until a very few years ago, I saw homeless people as ones who deserved to be homeless for one reason or another.  I instantly imagined that they must have done the very worst anyone could do to not have a home.  I felt nothing for them.  There was no pity for them at all.  Feelings of shame could rock me to the very core, but I do know that, at that time in my life, I was ignorant of so much.

Today, as I sit here and type this blog post for whomever to read, I want you to know that I am not as ignorant as I once was.  What I know now is that hard times can fall on anyone, at any moment in time.  I could be homeless next month.  Next week.  You could be, too.

Some causes and reasons for homelessness include those that can be read here.

I know there are people who mess up all on their own, and they mess up on purpose.  With that being said, I have to understand that those people also need help.  What is wrong with those who purposely sabotage or destroy their lives to the point of homelessness?  I don’t have the answer to that question, but I do know that something is terribly wrong.

I had an encounter with a homeless man yesterday, and he warmed my heart.  He didn’t beg me for anything.  As I talked with him, I began to gain a respect for him.  He talked about having God’s “good grace on me.”  That threw me for a loop.  Even more, he stated, “I pray that you have abundant blessings.”  Ummm…can you say choked up?  Here is a man who has no guaranteed shelter over his head on a daily basis, in dirty layered-on clothes, and with what seems to be everything he owns in a backpack praying that I have abundant blessings.  I almost just typed, “What is wrong with this picture?”.  But, I think the more appropriate question is, “What is right with this picture?”.

This man talks of having God’s “good grace,” yet he lives on the streets, eats whatever he can from wherever, and he wears dirty, smelly clothes every single day and night.


I couldn’t stop shaking his hand and smiling.  I just wanted to spend the whole day speaking with him. Because someone looks less fortunate than we do, we have a tendency to feel sorry for them or talk poorly against them.  What if they look at those who have and feel sorry for or talk poorly against them?  What if we who have are really the less fortunate?  What if we are less fortunate because we don’t feel (or recognize ourselves) as blessed or graced as this homeless man does?  That would be a horrific shame, wouldn’t it?

Here’s something to think about.  All of us who believe heaven is home are essentially homeless.  If heaven is home, and I believe it is, are we any better than those walking the streets looking for a roof over their heads or food in their mouths?  Are we really any better off? Are we to consider ourselves better people because we have a job, a car, a place to lay our heads every night?

Be grateful.  Be thankful.  Be joyful.

Love with all of your heart.  Give what you can.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” — Matthew 25:40

You could be “the least of these” at any given second.

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Posted by on February 27, 2014 in Uncategorized


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