Tag Archives: tea bag

The Tea Bag

On a cold, long, or stressful day, little is better than a hot cup of tea.  Watching the tea bag turning plain water into a wonderful, yummy drink, well, it’s like magic!  As I was doing some things today at my computer desk, I took a big drink of my hot tea.  Let me just say that the tea bag had been sitting in that cup a wee bit too long.  Yes, you know what that’s like.  It was stronger and unfriendly, really.  If you leave a tea bag in the empty mug or cup overnight, it will become stuck to said empty mug or cup and leave gross stains to boot.  The logical thing would be to remove the tea bag, throw it in the trash, and avoid the sticky and stained altogether.

Our thoughts are like tea bags.  The more we allow them to stay inside of our brains, the more they stick and become stronger.  They stain our minds.  Every thought we have leaves some type of mark on our brains.  Positive thoughts will stain, but they are more enjoyable, empowering, and fun.  Some of us, ahem, tend to throw away the positive thoughts and let the negative thoughts get more rigid and bitter.  They stick to our brains causing bigger messes than we have the urge to clean up.  I wonder what would happen if we took those negative thoughts out of our minds, threw them in the trash like a used tea bag, and avoided the sticky and the stained residue.

I’m pretty sure that we would be more content.  I’m pretty sure life would taste better.  

Are you ready for life to taste better?  

Throw the tea bag out.



It’s time.

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Posted by on January 30, 2014 in Uncategorized


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